This post was originally an e-mail that I sent to a discussion group moments ago, so if you belong to that group you've already read it. It's Saturday and a little bit warmer than it's been for weeks, and that makes me lazy like spring fever even though it's not Spring.
I suspect I don't have a standard way to interpret a natal chart and horary charts get even weirder for some people who have a more formal approach. In the past, prior to my setting all my ephemerides and interpretation books on a black rock at some National Park in southern Utah where they have a canyon full of whodoos, and walking away never to draw another chart. Not because there was anything wrong with the system. It's the lingo that got me off-track and unappreciated by people who meant me no harm. They just didn't and still don't do nothing to cross Jesus and their worship of the Bible.
I learned astrology by creating natal charts of specific people and then interpreting their chart in their presence to gather feedback as to what might or might not seem true between the two of us. Some woman from up in Boston told me I should make a thousand charts and do readings on my own work to figure out what's wot according to the conversations I had with real people and not other people's graven images. My own graven images is what she told me was important, and I pretty much went along for the ride. So, as usuall, I drew at least two thousand natal charts and used other systems for horary data.
I began astrology after I had traveled around the country with this dude who taught me the tarots layouts every night after work for months on end. Both strung out on white crosses. Chronic fatigue and study seem to go hand and hand with my shoddy accomplishments in this regard. I ended up with this crazy living with this crazy woman in Key West, and had started using palm reading instead of tarot, when I became aware that astrology is the mother of all occult "sciences". I needed to know astrology to do better palm readings. I began holding hands with people while interpreting their natal charts. Who doesn't like holding hands?
It was palm reading that discouraged me from drawing charts after twenty years or so. I could be breezing along saying what i saw in some other's palm when my use of the astrology lingo interfered with people trusting me because of what they had been taught by some church. It really interfered with my flow for them to be suspicious. I was born in the Year of the Rabbit. We don't do confrontation with power, but provoke and retreat. Provoke and retreat. Movement and rest, movement and rest. First this, then that. First this, then that. Neti-neti.
When I use the term "perseverance", the me-and-thee-ing of it derives straight from the Wilhelm/Baynes translation of the I Ching. The lingo in this classical Chinese book (one of the five) ruffles no feathers. Unless I bring it up myself, nobody suspects I'm using a system, although I might throw in a biblical phrase or two if they're obviously of a Christian upbringing. The GoT makes that more fun. They know, but they don't gnow, and confusion is the first step of hypnosis.
I talk out of my head, but from real time images that are like drifting thoughts I capture with words. Some mine, others... well, they could come from anywhere or originate in anybody present or past, but I treat what drifts in as if it's from the other whether it actually is or not. Nobody knows.
Saturn could be represented by anything "in the other person" in real ti-me. Why would I use historical data from dead prophets when the whole point is that I'm holding the hand of a living one. I only talk to hypnotize and suggest they are secretly their own prophet, and they need to tell me what they'll only remember as something I sayid, but in actuality wasn't me, but them.
Granted, Saturn in my natal is in 22° Aries in it's Fall, and in weak conjunction with my sun in 0° 2" Taurus that is in close conjunction with the Descendent. I let their credentials (they don't know they have, yet) overwhelm me and my perceivable weakness elicits the strength of how Saturn makes them walk the line.
I may frame it in feminine or masculine terms according to wot they sot before me. Sometime I force them to use their strength to rescue me from myself in order for me to continue to astound them with their own unkn-own discipline. It's better for both of us that way. I really have nothing to lose. I have great recuperative powers with Mars exalted in Capricorn, and the Moon exalted in Taurus, and Venus exalted in Pisces conjoined to Jupiter the old co-ruler of Pisces, both trine to Pluto. It's actually fun to let people get over on me while all the ti-me knowing nothing at All is lost by their gain.
One aspect of Saturn and Capricorn and Aquarius that continues to intrigue me (although I've obviously put astrology on the back burner) is the Roman god Janus (Janu... worry) and the fact that Saturn is one of the seven planets that can be perceived with the naked eye consciously, and your anus (if you have any couth or never mind at all) is unseen, yet Mercury is exalted in Aquarius. Mercury represents the mind, and the taint is the wholiest spot in one's physical (earth) body. Is that why some people can fly by the seat of their pants or why Jack keeps saying I pull all my rude statements from out of my ass? Okay, I do. So what? Sha-men gnow sha-me mo' bettah than yo' average bear. '-)