Saturday, January 15, 2011

One Sweet Morning

This wireless thing is killing me again. I know that I wrote before that if humans are wireless since the umbilical cord was cut, then each of knows everything there is to know about wireless technology, but I have one problem. Knowing what question to ask to get the universal mind to be specific with it's answers on what means wot?

In my own assessment of my personal needs, visualization plays a huge part. I have other ways of finding satisfaction with what's wot, but visual is the one modality that has always had legs for me. I hate going blind, but that's nothing compared to what's coming up. Maybe one sensory reception system after the other. I'm already legally deaf and have cataracts so cloudy I don't see well on a clear day.

I can't see what I need to know to know where to look to solve my problems. The problem is never in my mind or my visionary process, but has roots in the real world if I just knew where to look. To know where to look I have to ask my nebulous sources the correct question. They indubitably gnow the answer.

Learning to ask the right question is the most powerful lesson I feel like I learned from using the Wilhelm/Baynes translation of the I Ching daily for over thirty years. It was a simple deal that wasn't hidden in the slightest. If I asked the oracle the real question that acted as impetus to my seeking it's wisdom, then the results I got finished the deal.

If I didn't ask the question that truly resided in my heart, then the oracle's response was non-sensible gibberish. I couldn't make heads nor tails of it's omens (pun intended).

There are admonitions throughout the Yellow Book (The I Ching, The Emperor's Yellow Book, The Book of Changes) warning that repeated questions indicating doubt of it's original pronouncements would be repudiated, and no answer would be given.

This is about like Percival leaving the Grail Castle after failing the Grail King's test, and the drawbridge it crossed to leave jumped up at the last second causing his horse to stumble, and a voice was heard that indignantly guffawed "Bumpkin!"

The question to the oracle has to be the sa-me question that your heart wants answered. How the Book of Changes knows when you've been naughty or nice isn't so clear to me. I mean, I know, but I don't yet gnow what I know. I am is me.

One Sweet Morning

Day after day, night after night,
I sit in awesome wonder,
and behold the thoughts I thought before,
that set my life asunder.
The controlling power of bygone years,
has lived within innately.
I've lived my life along with tears.
Some times the sun shines brightly.

I know not the reason for your mourning,
but I understand that you must cry.
The world is turning rather slowly,
while your heart is in the sky.
I feel the pulse within a'pounding,
as you slowly walk away.
Your melancholy is contagious,
the blue of clearness returns to gray.

But, soon within you'll find the answer.
Soon within the tide will flood.
The light will then break through the darkness.
The rainbow's red will turn to love.
The thought of changing will not frighten.
The past is lost in yesterday.
Then, one sweet morning I'll come a'calling,
when you have found the other way.

October, 1973

Edited: Today